I am so glad it's Wednesday! Not for any real specific reason I guess, other than it's not Tuesday anymore ;) Zach got sick yesterday afternoon, but thankfully was fine the rest of the night. Poor little guy was so upset, I think he just had an upset tummy, plain and simple. Yesterday was also a very warm day here in MI, however we must live right in the middle of some special Mother Nature designed wind tunnel, if the weather man says it is going to be "breezy" or "windy" it is TORNADIC (I know made up word) here! Zach and I had tried to venture out after lunch but that didn't last too long :)
On some scrappy news, I posted my layout for MMM
here. A little background on this one: As Masters we receive boxes of new product from manufacturers, with the hope that we will try it and give some public feed back about it. Cool little perk I know!! Well I was so excited when I got this box from American Crafts and knew the red and pink would work perfect with this picture of me and Amber. I was very happy with the layout -until I put my nasty chicken scratch handwriting on it! I know so many of you out there in scrappy land feel it is important to preserve a loved ones handwriting and you are right -but just not on my layouts! I promise to leave my children some notes or something :) Once in a while I can write a little date or around the edge of something and it looks decent, but honestly most of the time it is just plain BAD to look at. So my apologies for the bad journaling on the above posted layout and I promise to expose you to as little of my handwriting as possible in the future :) On a side note - the bad handwriting is a total stubborn/control issue, when I was little and I learned to print, which I did very well, the teachers insisted I do cursive, so me, being that little stubborn girl decided "fine you want cursive, try and read this!" and the bad writing just stuck with me. I know what you are thinking -and I wonder where Zach gets it from? Hmmmm......maybe his Momma!!!!
I am starting to work on April's project kit and will give you a little hint of what it is about. You may remember the
Spring Banner that I did last April, well a lot of people used this banner in their little girl's rooms and instead of adding the word "spring" to it they added the little girl's name. Well this April we decided that it was the boy's turn to have a banner with their name on it! That is all the hints I am giving for now ;) can't wait to share it with you!
Have a great Wednesday everyone!